Application Process

You'll have your own name,slogan or logo in just four easy steps.

  • Leave your contact information

    You need to fill our simple online trademark application form & submit documents.

  • Conduct your trademark search

    To make sure that the unique logo name filed is available or not, Trademark Search is executed by experts.

  • Trademark Application filed

    Submit the registration application, and we will submit it to the Trademark Office for application after verifying that the information provided is correct.

  • Trademark registration completed

    Your trademark is registered in 1 to 2 years if no competitor objects to your trademark application.

Let Us Contact You

Leave your contact information and Our global customer service will contact you within 24 - 48 hours, or send an email to: or



*Services I want to know

*What name would you like to trademark

More information

Let Us Contact You

Leave your contact information and Our global customer service will contact you within 24 - 48 hours, or send an email to: or



*Services I want to know

*What name would you like to trademark

More information

Application Process

You'll have your own name,slogan or logo in just four easy steps.

  • Leave your contact information

    You need to fill our simple online trademark application form & submit documents.

  • Conduct your trademark search

    To make sure that the unique logo name filed is available or not, Trademark Search is executed by experts.

  • Trademark Application filed

    Submit the registration application, and we will submit it to the Trademark Office for application after verifying that the information provided is correct.

  • Trademark registration completed

    Your trademark is registered in 1 to 2 years if no competitor objects to your trademark application.